Management Referral Service

Lloyd Occupational Health deliver an Management Referral Service for Employees

We provide case management referral services for staff with a long-term or short-term illness or anyone who has recently suffered from an accident or has been diagnosed with a medical condition. Our service will provide a comprehensive health review to identify any issues and provide clear and effective guidance on the way forward for both the manager and the employee.

Management Referral

Case Management Referral Service - Lloyd OH Occupational Health Services
  • The identification of the actual cause of any absences’ so that the root cause can be addressed (Stress at work/ home, previous injury, hearing loss etc.)

  • Give management, HR and the employee advice and information on the health issues, timeframe and prognosis.

  • Identify Health Issues that are covered under the Equality Act 2010

  • Specify what reasonable adjustments can be made at work to allow the person to return in some capacity.

  • Direct employees to consultation with other health professionals such as a physiotherapist, counselling, GP or Specialist service.

  • Identify cases appropriate for Ill Health retirement.

For all enquiries call now on 0161 327 3818